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"Being extremely honest with oneself is a good exercise" - Sigmund Freud
As the year comes to a close and you wake up in the morning, you start to stress while reflecting on what you have accomplished throughout the year. Have you accomplished the goals that you set out for 2018? Were you able to hone a new skill? Did you make positive new friends and get rid of the negative old ones? Are you on a path of growing financially, emotionally, intellectually, and psychologically?

If you answered anything besides what you think you should have answered for the questions above, I want you to know that it's okay. Here is the most important question that you should answer:

During the last 11 months: did you take care of yourself?

I used to be the biggest culprit of avoiding anything that related to self-care whether it was taking some time off to relax, enjoying myself with the company of ones I love and cherish, or just sitting to reflect. 

At Holistic Bodies, our goal is to be your guide in exploring the opportunities that already exist within you - within your MIND, BODY & SPIRIT. 


  1. Be still - Stillness is the first step to practicing patience. Sit in nature quietly and observe.
  2. Dedicate time daily to treat your body - Body requires fuel to continue moving in a flow. Exercise, Yoga, Stretch the kinks out of your body. 
  3. Inhale -- Exhale - Oxygen is a recovery mechanism for your body, breathing in through your nose for 3 seconds, and breathing out through your nose for 3 seconds for 5-6 repetitions. 
  4.  Food choices - What we put in our body is what we get out, pick 2-3 good foods for breakfast, lunch, and dinner -- enjoy them!
  5. Sleep - Shutting your body off for a minimum of 7 hours is important to let the natural recovery process do its job. So dedicate 7-9 hours nightly to your recovery. 


  1. Start a gratitude list - Giving thanks to everything that you take for granted can put your mind at ease
  2. Unplug - With consistent plugged activity for social media and email, it's important to ground yourself by recovering through unplugging
  3. Get out of your comfort zone - Comfort zone creates more stress/worry in your body, so doing something unnatural and uncomfortable will create a balance
  4. Goof around - Take some time to bring the inner toddler outside. Play during the day, and be yourself
  5. Do a mini-declutter  - Messy environments create messy minds, therefore having a tidy environment will bring a calm state of mind. Schedule some time to declutter your environment.


  1. Journal - Writing down your negative thoughts and then crumple the paper and throw it in the garbage
  2. Have a self-date - Just like that you go out and give yourself the treat to build a love for your spirit
  3. Check in with your emotions - Sit and observe the emotions that you are feeling - don't judge the emotions, just accept.
  4. Listen to music - Music is a fuel to the spirit. Listen to the uniqueness of music architecture and notes without any judgment. Just listen. 
  5. Ask for positive feedback - Improvement is part of growth, but re-assurance is part of peace. Ask your good friends what they love about you
