You will not be great 100% of the time.

As hard as some days are, it’s the difficult ones that can really bring tremendous growth in your life. When it feels like you are about to lose it all, you have to find the strength to overcome it. You have to awaken that strong spirit of resilience.

Don’t wait for a crisis to start building your inner strength. Embrace it right now. By taking control of your thoughts, you can summon the strength needed to face life’s biggest moments―no questions asked.

  • Risky Business
Commit to delegating some of your daily work-load to an existing or new staffer. Take a health risk on a person who has shown honesty, integrity, and a strong work ethic.
  • Vitals Check
Write out the 10 most important things in your life. Place that list on your bathroom mirror as a reminder of the things that need to stay at the top of your priority list.
  • Build Bravery
Do one small thing every day that scares you. Courage is like a muscle. Build it with deliberate and repetitive action.
  • Watch and Learn
Do you feel stuck in your career? Find someone who is where you want to be. Meet with him or her to develop a plan that will take you where you should be.
  • Assess Yourself
Do circumstances make you apprehensive about standing up for your values and beliefs? Identify the five triggers that hijack your moral courage. Focus on eliminating one per monthDid you read the last post? No, Read it here. 
